SWA veröffentlicht Brennerei-Führer

Falls Ihr Euch je gefragt habt, wo und wie Euer Lieblings-Malt hergestellt wird, könnte die neue Broschüre „Distilleries to Visit 2006“, die von der Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) veröffentlicht wird, die Antwort liefern. Der Führer liefert Informationen zu über 40 Destillerien und Besucherzentren inklusive der Öffnungszeiten und der Verfügbarkeit stillgelegter Anlagen.

SWA Launches Distilleries to Visit

If you have ever wondered where or how your favourite dram is made, a new ‘Distilleries to Visit 2006’ brochure published by The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) could be the answer.

From the source of the water to the shape of the still, a distillery tour will help to explain what makes every Scotch Whisky different. No two distilleries are the same. Each has a unique setting and story, as well as a distinctive way of doing things that has evolved over many years.

The SWA’s ‘Distilleries to Visit’ guide provides information on over 40 distilleries and visitor centres open to the public, including opening times and the availability of disabled facilities.

(Scottish Food and Drink)