Whisky Centre in Edinburgh wird aufgemöbelt

Die schottische Whisky Industrie will 2 Millionen Pfund in die Verschönerung ihres Touristen-Informationszentrums in der Hauptstadt Edinburgh investieren. Bis 2007 sollen die Verbesserungsmaßnahmen abgeschlossen sein.

Upgrade for Edinburgh whisky centre

THE Scotch whisky industry is to invest £2m in a revamp for its capital tourism centre.

The first phase of the project at the Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre will include a £400,000 upgrade of the frontage that will include building a state-of-the-art glass cylinder that will open out on to Castle Wynd.

Alastair McIntosh, managing director of the Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre, says he hopes the second phase, a £600,000 overhaul of the visitor tour, will be completed by 2007…
