Indien wegen zu hoher Tarife zur WTO

Schottische Whiskyhersteller begrüßen die Entscheidung der EU, die Welthandelsorganisation WTO um Intervention bezüglich der hohen Einfuhrzölle auf ausländische Spirituosen in Indien zu bitten. Jüngste Untersuchungen von Seiten der EU in Indien haben erhebliche Verletzungen der WTO Vorschriften ergeben. Auf schottischen Whisky und andere Spirituosen werden bis zu 550% höhere Tarife erhoben, als auf einheimische Erzeugnisse.

India to Face WTO Over Whisky Duties

Scotch Whisky distillers today warmly welcomed the EU’s decision to request World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks on India’s failure to reform its discriminatory tax treatment of imported spirits and wines.

A recent EU investigation into the Indian regime found ‚blatant violations‘ of WTO rules.

The system unfairly distorts competition by subjecting Scotch Whisky and other imported spirits to a much higher tax burden – of up to 550% – than faced by Indian distillers.

Following further talks between the SWA and Indian Government officials in Delhi last week, Gavin Hewitt, SWA Chief Executive, said: „The EU’s determination to ensure a level playing field for spirits and wines in India will be warmly welcomed by Scotch Whisky distillers, who continue to face a longstanding discriminatory tariff and tax regime that has been found to be in clear violation of WTO rules.

„It is time for India to implement its international commitments and allow fair access for Scotch Whisky, just as Indian spirit drinks have free access to the European market.

„We fully support referral of the matter to the WTO for formal consultations and hope that India will take this last opportunity to agree reform to its discriminatory duty arrangements for whisky, without the need for a dispute settlement panel being set up.(Scottish Food and Drink)