Diageo ernennt neuen Produktionsleiter

Der Getränkekonzern Diageo hat Bryan Donaghey (44) zum neuen Produktionsleiter in Schottland ernannt. Er wird die Stelle Anfang Juni antreten und übernimmt die Aufgabe, die beiden schottischen Produktionsabteilungen von Diageo zusammenzuführen.

Diageo names Scots production chief

DRINKS giant Diageo has appointed a new Scottish head of production as it streamlines operations.

Bryan Donaghey will take the new role of head of production business in Scotland from the start of June.

The 44-year-old chartered accountant, who joined Diageo in 1997 as group financial controller for Guinness, will be responsible for merging the two Scottish production divisions. Since 2000 production has been separated, with one division responsible for the process up to the point of maturing drinks, the other responsible for bottling and labelling.

A spokeswoman for the company said that while there would be a review of some of the leadership responsibilities when the divisions were merged, many areas such as IT are already integrated, so few job losses are expected…
