Chivas Brothers bringen 16 Jahre alten Longmorn heraus

Die Whiskyfirma Chivas Brothers hat die Kreation eines 16 Jahre alten Longmorn als Zugpferd für die Neupositionierung von Longmorn im weltweiten Premium-Markt angekündigt. Der 16 jährige wird den 15 Jahre alten Malt der Marke ersetzen, die unter Liebhabern als „verstecktes Juwel der Speyside“ gilt, und wird auf den internationalen Märkten für rund 50,- Pfund erhältlich sein.

Chivas Brothers Launches Longmorn 16 Year Old

Chivas Brothers has announced the creation of Longmorn 16 year old as the main driver in a repositioning of Longmorn as a global super-premium malt whisky.

Longmorn 16 year old replaces the existing 15 year old brand, known to connoisseurs as the ‚hidden jewel of Speyside‘ and will be available in international markets.

Neil Macdonald, brand director for malts at Chivas Brothers, said: „Longmorn has been considered the hidden jewel of Speyside for many years by distillers and connoisseurs alike and the new Longmorn is the perfect expression of luxury malt.

„Longmorn 16 year old is a rare and desirable whisky, with an outstanding reputation amongst whisky coognoscenti, paired with packaging that combines effortless simplicity and total attention to detail.“

„Single malt whisky’s reputation and prestige have built global momentum over the past five years amongst discerning consumers.

„A growing opportunity now exists within the malt whisky market to build whisky brands such as Longmorn, which purely operate at a super-premium level in terms of presentation, product and pricing.“

Longmorn 16 year old is priced at £50.

(Scottish Food and Drink)