
The Organic Spirits Company ist die erste Firma, die mit Highland Harvest einen Whisky auf den Markt bringt, der nur aus biologisch angebauten Rohstoffen besteht. Es ist ein Blend aus drei Grain Whiskies (Highland, Island und Speyside), bei denen das Getreide ohne die Verwendung von Chemikalien und Pestiziden angebaut und gelagert wird.

Cheers to the ’natural‘ dram

MORE AND more of us are incorporating organic food into our diets on a daily basis, but when was the last time you enjoyed an alcoholic drink which carried that tag?

The snobbery surrounding wine and spirits can cause even those open to the organic philosophy to turn up their noses at such drinks, in the belief that nothing could be more natural than a cask full of fruit or malt leaves.

But Chris Parker, managing director of The Organic Spirits Company, suggests we think again.

Parker, who grew up in Edinburgh, is the man behind the newly launched Highland Harvest, the first organic whisky to be accredited by the Soil Association, the UK’s leading certifier of organic produce…


Highland Harvest Organic Grain Whisky

We’ve seen organic rum, vodka, gin and now I’ve learned there is also an organic whisky. Highland Harvest Organic Grain Whisky is a blend of three grain whiskies (highland, island and Speyside) along with a highland malt which have been matured together in Scotland for four years. The whisky has a light taste with notes of pine and fruit…
