Ärger über Indiens Whisky-Tarife

Die Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) hat gestern die Enttäuschung der Industrie über Indiens weiterhin diskriminierende Alkohol-Importpolitik zum Ausdruck gebracht.

Anger over India’s whisky tariffs

LEADERS of the Scotch whisky industry yesterday hit out at the Indian government for bowing to „protectionist“ domestic pressures after it maintained fiscal discrimination against Scotch whisky imports in the country’s new budget…


SWA Reaction to Indian Budget

The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) yesterday expressed the industry’s disappointment at India’s failure to take the opportunity of the Federal Budget (28 February) to make any progress towards reforming its discriminatory import regime for spirits…

(Scottish Food and Drink)